Title: Alcohol Ink Cannon Ball Gourd with a Stone Chip Rim
Instructor: Jennifer Wojnar
Course Number: F-AM-5
Time: Friday, 9:00 AM - 12:00
Cost : $45.00
Description: Students will be guided through the process of coloring their cannon ball gourd with Alcohol Inks. Holes will then be drilled around the rim and stone chips will be added as a rim treatment. You will choose your own colored stone chips from those provided by the instructor.
Alcohol inks are an acid-free, highly pigmented, and fast drying medium to be used on non-porous surfaces. Mixing colors can create a vibrant marbled effect and the possibilities can only be limited by what you are willing to try. All pieces will be sealed with Krylon varnish spray. It is recommended to apply Krylon UV (to prevent fading) and Krlylon triple thick if you prefer a shiny surface.
Student Requirem ent s: Students must bring a drill and a variety of small drill bit sizes. Teacher will provide a selection of alcohol inks, but students are free to bring their own for a wider variety of colors
Registor for the class through the link below