Title: Alcohol Ink Jewelry Class
Instructor: Jennifer Wojnar
Course Number: S-AM-3
Time: Saturday, 9:00 AM - 12:00
Cost : $45.00
Description: In this class you will choose from baby gourd and/or cut gourd pieces (your own design or templates) to make your piece. The pieces will be decorate using alcohol ink and design details with a gel pen or the dry on dry method. We will assemble the jewelry pieces making 3 pendants or an earring and necklace set. (Please note the earrings are fish hooks.)
Alcohol inks are an acid-free, highly-pigmented, and fast drying medium to be used on non-porous surfaces. Mixing colors can create a vibrant marbled effect and the possibilities can only be limited by what you are willing to try. The teacher will provide a selection of alcohol inks, but feel free to bring your own for a wider range of colors.
Student Requirement s: Students will need to bring a dremel or power carver with bits and a gourd saw with extra replacement blades.
Registor for the class through the link below