The Frigid weather that turned into the endless weekend of rain has finally ended We are welcoming Summer with 110 and swampy in the shade. School is out and I have one week of summer camp under my belt already. It's been an exciting summer so far with teaching at my very first Pennsylvania Gourd Gathering. Hopefully it is the first of many.
For the summer, I am going to only teach private classes ( feel free to contact me with any questions or to set up a class) and summer camp. I plan to return to my usual venues and gourd gathers in fall comes. I am going to spend some extra time with kids, having fun in the sun, and creating wonderful decorations for my two birthday babies.
If you haven't checked it out yet, I have 5 of my painting hanging at Grain in Kennett Square Pa until July 31st. If you head over to my facebook page, I am holding a contest for anyone willing to post a selfie with one of my paintings. And I am very honored to be the Featured Artist in the Friday July 6th addition of the Cecil Whig.
I promise to post our fun birthday decorations and new classes. There are a few in the works. I hope everyone stays cool and I see you in a class again soon!