In June 2014, i took painting from something i did with my kids to doing it for myself. I started my paintings of local landmarks on burlap canvas with liquid acrylics. Mainly make gift for family and friends, giving away more then half of original paintings. In July 2015, i began taking class "Courageous Painting" class at Susan Melrath. An class on non objective painting class, far out of my comfort zone of folk farmy paintings (with a bfa in jewelry design i was already outside of comfort zone!). One the things she teaches in her class is to take the risks & experimenting you learn in this style of painting into your everyday life. By the end of the first session, i started having my work printed and for sale at local consignment shops. By the end of the second, session i had prints and postcard in our local juried Christmas gift shop. (I would normally be to afraid to put myself out there) Starting the 3rd session, we were asked to keep a sketchbook. Well this sketchbook and a Christmas gift for my sister has lead me to the adventure of Adult Coloring books that i am on today!!! More about that next week!!
The Start of an Adventure
Source: Autumn Joy Sedum ...